Innovative jazz musician and organist Kit Downes will
present his unique and refreshing talent on Saint Olaf's Lively-Fulcher organ.
7:00 pm Main Church

Kit Downes is critically regarded as one of the UK’s outstanding jazz talents and his initial organ recording ‘Obsidian’, released on ECM Label, a unique collection of sounds and colours, could have only been made by an improviser of subtle sensibilities. Some of Downes’ earliest musical experiences were as a church organist and in recent years he has been exploring it’s sonic possibilities and idiosyncrasies, in improvisations and compositions both melodic and textural.
His second record for ECM Records - entitled 'Dreamlife of Debris' - expands the sound world of his first ('Obsidian') into a larger ensemble - featuring piano and organ (Kit Downes), tenor saxophone (Tom Challenger), cello (Lucy Railton), drums (Seb Rochford) and guitar (Stian Westerhus). It is an aqueous study of subjectivity - an intimate response to the tactile, the elements, and a feeling of the subterranean."
Downes is bringing a new and highly personal approach to an instrument steeped in history and tradition - a tradition that he loves but is seeking to explore and abstract.